We are updating our referral for, therefore, anyone wishing to make a referral to the Regional Employability Pipeline for support, please get in touch with us using DGEmployability@dumgal.gov.uk
DYW Dumfries and Galloway work in parnership with employers, young people and schools as part of the Scottish Government's national strategy for strengthening links between businesses and education and better preparing children and young people for the world of work.
Affordable training solutions in Dumfries and Galloway
Information, advice and signposting for disabled people to access employability services.
DAGCAS provides free confidential advice and assistance to the public via its three Citizens Advice Bureaux, which are located in Annan, Dumfries and Stranraer.
Dumfries & Galloway College (DGC) is the Regional College in the South-West of Scotland.
DGC aims to create flexible learning approaches that suit everyone. There are two campuses, Dumfries and Stranraer that offer full and part-time study as well as online and blendied learning environments, but the College also offers vocational and work-based learning, apprenticeships, short courses and bespoke training.
Dumfries and Galloway Council provide a huge range of services within the county.
Services can be found on the website either search by name or browse alphabetical directory.
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (the DofE) is an personal development accreditation programme that offers young people the chance to take part in a range of activities across a range of activities.
Having an award shows colleges, universities and employers that you are able to undertake and complete a chellenge, improve your skills through learning, and work as part of a team.
Working in partnership with others to access training and opportunities. More focused employability training delivered as required. Training and Learning opportunities. Adult Literacy and numeracy classes across the region.
FTS provide courses and tailored training schemes for workers within the social sectors.
Housing support, backed up by personal development including literacy, numeracy, basic IT, CV writing, interview skills, confidence, job applications.