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What is Placement Plus?

A 6-month Fully funded placement designed to help unemployed individuals of all ages (16+) and backgrounds gain experience and develop skills through a paid work experience with accredited training in Dumfries & Galloway. Placements are funded for up to 30 hours...

There is a job opportunity at The Furniture Project for a full-time support worker to join our employability programme The Pink Frog.


Placements at The Pink Frog are designed to be a crucial stepping-stone needed by people, to support...

D&G Local Employability & Skills Partnership (DGLEP) wants your help to hear from parents across Stranraer.  As a Community Consultant you will work as part of a team to engage parents in the co-design of employability and skills projects for their communities. 


Childrens services are currently assessing the need for Parenting Programmes across the Dumfries and Galloway region. Please see the attached leaflet which has been developed to try and gain parent and carer views. It is vitally important that we gain the opinions, needs, and wishes to help us...

Join us for a series of interactive webinars designed to ensure you have the right information about NHS Scotland jobs and recruitment.

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) helps people who work in health and social care to get the education and skills they need...

Take a look in the downloads sections for the details of the Free Back to School Uniform Events which are being held in August at various locations in our Region along with the details of the Free School Uniform Donation & Collection Points which are open all throughout the year. The...

If you are aged 16-24 and not in education, employment or training – here are useful and fully interactive to get you the support you need. Don’t know where to start? Click the download below!

The #WeCare event is back for its third year as part of the Youth Beatz Fringe programme, and will be taking place on Thursday 29 June, 12noon – 8pm at Park Farm Showfield in Dumfries.

The event is aimed at bringing together care experienced...

Better Lives Partnership are offering 10% off their Day with Professor Tony Attwood event for Autism Acceptance Week.

Autism Acceptance week is an annual event where autistic people and neurodivergence is celebrated and autism acceptance and...
