Dumfries & Galloway College (DGC) is the Regional College in the South-West of Scotland.
DGC aims to create flexible learning approaches that suit everyone. There are two campuses, Dumfries and Stranraer that offer full and part-time study as well as online and blendied learning environments, but the College also offers vocational and work-based learning, apprenticeships, short courses and bespoke training.
The College's approach to learning is a reflection of the rural locality, the local economy and the changing patterns of lifestyles.
DYW Dumfries and Galloway work in parnership with employers, young people and schools as part of the Scottish Government's national strategy for strengthening links between businesses and education and better preparing children and young people for the world of work.
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is the Scottish Government’s national strategy for strengthening links between businesses and education and better preparing children and young people for the w
We can help people of all ages in Langholm & Eskdale to find their way back to work through training, work experience, volunteering and personal development.
Funded by the Holywood Trust, RBS Skills & Opportunities Fund and SSE Sustainable Development Fund, the Langholm Initiative works collaboratively with partners to build capacity, confidence and