News Archive November 2016

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This week is Living Wage Week which recognises and celebrates employers across the Scotland and the UK who voluntarily pay their workforce the Living Wage.

 The rate is calculated based on the...

Two young men from Stranraer have won the first Fiona Colley Award at The Springboard Charity’s 2016 Awards for Excellence.

Connor Pomroy (18) and Kai Palmer (17) were winners of the award that celebrates people from Scotland who have...

Appointment  of members for the Board of Management of Dumfries and Galloway college


Dumfries and Galloway College offers a wide range of...

This week is Living Wage Week which recognises and celebrates employers across Scotland and the UK who voluntarily pay their workforce the Living Wage.

The rate is calculated based on the basic cost of living in the UK. Employers choose to pay the living wage on a voluntary...