This week is Living Wage Week which recognises and celebrates employers across Scotland and the UK who voluntarily pay their workforce the Living Wage.
The rate is calculated based on the basic cost of living in the UK. Employers choose to pay the living wage on a voluntary basis which is enough to ensure that your staff and families live a life free from poverty.
Dumfries and Galloway Total Access Point (DGTAP) works with employers across the region to support unemployed young people and adults into work. DGTAP can signpost employers to gain accreditation for their commitments to pay the Living Wage.
How it is different from the government's 'National Living Wage'?
In April 2016 the government introduced a higher minimum wage rate for all staff over 25 years of age which was inspired by the Living Wage campaign. However, the government's 'national living wage' is not calculated according to what employees and their families need to live. Instead, it is based on a target to reach 60% of median earnings by 2020. Under current forecasts this would mean a rise to the new level of just under £9 per hour by 2020.
If you pay all your employees the living wage you will be rewarding them fairly for the work they do.
If you are an employer who pays the Living Wage and would like to promote your business through this article please contact: Nicola Vallance-Ross, 01387 240201,
Current D&G Employers paying The Living Wage
Buddies (SCIO)
Dormont Estate
Food Train
Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway