Craig was first introduced to our service on the 12th of October 2017 when a Pace Partnership meeting was held in Sanquhar to support and advise individuals who were being made redundant from the EME factory. Having advised Craig of the support that the Employability & Skills Service could offer, Craig was happy for a referral to be completed. Craig lives in an area of high deprivation and high unemployment. Though he was very skilled, he was unable to find work locally.
“ I love it especially in the good weather ! So different from my last job absolutely love it”
An opportunity arose the following month through one of the Employer Engagement Officers, within our service. There was a vacancy at Allison and Hunter Oil in Thornhill for a delivery driver. Having spoken to Craig about this opportunity, his CV was sent to the employer on the 30th of November 2017 for consideration under the Employer Recruitment Incentive Scheme called Pathways. Craig continued to work with the service updating his CV and looking for other opportunities while waiting to hear the outcome of this referral. Craig was delighted when he was offered the position on the 6th of December 2017. A Pathways Job Offer was completed on the 11th of December when Craig returned to full time employment.
Craig has now been working for 5 months.