This young person was referred to our service in summer 2020 looking for support in reaching a positive destination in employment. From the very first day they were actively participating in 1-2-1 sessions with their Employment Key Worker.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, support sessions were carried out remotely. They showed incredible resilience and flexibility and has adjusted well to an extremely difficult situation making it even harder as a young person looking for employment. Through the support they were given as part of the Young Peron’s Guarantee they mastered their interview skills as well as ICT skills and formal communication style (i.e. email correspondence). They created a very good CV, cover letter and speculative letters to send to local employers.
The young person had a clear idea of working with children and they made decision to target nurseries first. They are exceptionally motivated and determined. Their hard work paid off and they secured employment in November 2020 as a Modern Apprentice at local nursery. Since then they have been building their skills and is receiving great feedback from their employer.