The Wise Group is a leading social enterprise, which transforms people’s lives across Scotland and North East England.
Every day we support our customers into jobs, work to lift people out of fuel poverty, and help people coming out of prison to build a better future. Our work is varied, but underlying everything we do is a passion and commitment for social justice and a fairer society for all.
We are building better lives, better communities and stronger businesses – and we don’t do it alone. We work with a range of partners across all sections of society to make a real and lasting difference to the lives of thousands of people and families every year.
Community Justice
Our community justice services provide mentoring and guidance to people serving short-term sentences, supporting their transition from prison back to the community and reducing their chances of reoffending. Our mentors have helped over 4000 people, overcoming issues such as homelessness, poor mental health, addiction and finance. Our approach is proven to reduce reoffending too.
The support we provide is centred around the individual needs of each person we work with and we understand the challenges faced after time in prison; at least 50% of our mentors have personal experience of the justice system.
Employment Services
From one-day training courses to longer term support, the Wise Group can help you to gain the confidence, skills and mindset to succeed in finding a job.
In Scotland’s west, services like Fair Start Scotland can help you in to work. Across the north east of England, the Wise Group deliver Talent Match North East and Wise Steps – both offering a stepping stone to securing employment.
The Wise Group has a range of courses to suit you, whether you have a specific job in mind or want to keep your options open. We offer a range of services including:
• Skills and training support
• Designing training to meet your specific needs
• We can also help you access funding to pay for training
Individual Training Account (ITA) The Wise Group is an ITA Approved Provider, meaning you could use funding of up £200 towards some of our courses. ITA funding could be right for you if you’re:
• Aged 16 or over
• Not in education or involved in any other Skills Development Scotland funded programme
• Unemployed and looking to get back into work
• Employed and earning less than £22,000 per year
• Resident in Scotland
We can also support employers who wish to up skill their workforce and standardise the quality of the skills across the team.
We are adapting the way we work in response to coronavirus (COVID-19).
We’ve paused our face-to-face contact, instead delivering a high quality service using alternative channels.
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