The IT Centre

Jackie Williams
  • Community Centre
    Cotton Street
    Castle Douglas
    DG7 1AJ
  • 01556 503167
  • Adult 25+
  • Adult 18-24
  • Adult 16-17
  • Stewartry
  • Stage 1 - Engagement
  • Stage 2 - Barrier Removal
  • Stage 3 - Vocational Activity
  • Stage 4 - Supporting Job Entry
  • Stage 5 - In-Work Support

The IT Centre offers 1-2-1 support to help people gain confidence in using in a computer by learning new skills from the complete beginner to more advanced, help to make a claim online for benefits, such as Universal Credit, set up and use a Universal Job Match account to search for a job, create and maintain an email address to apply for jobs online and develop and upload a CV. 

We offer IT and digital photography training for the complete beginner through to the more advanced. Courses can be certificated for recognition by employers or undertaken just for fun and personal achievement.

Many of our courses can be funded through Individual Training Accounts and our IT suite is open on a flexible access basis so learners can attend when it suits them and study at their own pace. However, we understand that it’s not always possible to make time during the day so, along with opening one evening a week, we also offer a range of Study@Home courses.

Whether you are looking to take that first step on a computer, achieve a qualification that can help you at work or in your search for work, or just wish to build on what you already know, The IT Centre can help. Some of our courses are Skills Development Scotland ITA* approved, so learning something new could cost less than you think.

Call 01556 503167 now for further information or email us.