Better Lives Partnership's (BLP) flagship Bridge to Employment Project (B2E) gives autistic young people a structured programme of person-centered support and accredited training in their area of interest and expertise, work related skills to prepare them for their next steps towards employment, self-employment, education, training or volunteering. Operating in Castle Douglas, Stranraer and Dumfries we welcome young people from across the region.
The Bridge to Employment is aimed at young people aged 16 to 25 who have autism spectrum disorders or related disabilities and have a variety of barriers that prevent them from accessing the traditional post-school options.
The aim of the project is to use a person-centred approach to develop unique opportunities for each young person that incorporates one or all of the following; employability skills, work experience and social enterprise.
The project is part-financed by the Scottish Government and the European Union – LEADER 2014 – 2020 programme.
The Bridge to Employment Project is unique to Dumfries and Galloway in terms of it’s delivery style and target group. There are no clear post-school options for the target group of more able young people with ASD and related disabilities, especially for those living outside of Dumfries. In Dumfries and Galloway there is no specialist employability provision for this group who may have communication challenges or need some extra support to develop essential core skills such as being able to travel independently, writing job applications, attending interviews, managing social interactions and working independently.
Organisations we are currently working in partnership with are:
D&G Chamber of Commerce
Third Sector D&G
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)
D&G Council Autism Initiative
D&G Autism Network
Project Search
Princes Trust
‘Can Do’ Leonard Cheshire
Health & Wellbeing Team NHS
If you are a business or organisation who we could partner with please contact us.
* Coronavirus - Bridge to Employment Programmme* Due to the current situation our offices both in Castle Douglas and Stranraer are closed as of 19th March 2020. We will re-open when it is safe to do so. Stay safe!