Relief Fund for Bar & Restaurant Staff

The Ben - Relief Fund for Bar and Restaurant Staff 

A new fund has been launched for bar and restaurant staff who have lost their job and/or income as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This fund is administered by the Scottish Drinks Industry Charity - The Ben. 

Applicants will be subject to one of the following two situations: 

  • Redundant and not furloughed
  • On a zero hours contract and worked limited hours in recent months

In order to apply for assistance, the applicant must have been employed in the drinks industry for a minimum period of 2 years.

The assistance provided will be at a fixed rate of £250 and it will be made as a single payment to the recipient's bank account.

A high level of demand is anticipated and it is possible that the funds may be exhausted before all applications are dealth with.

Therefore, the window for applications is from 9:00am Monday 6th April to 7:00pm Friday 10th April 2020, or once 10,000 applications have been recieved, whichever comes first.

To register please visit: