Links to Work Project

Starting later this month in Dumfries we now have a new project focussing on intensive personal development support to individuals experiencing poverty.  The project will support individuals to access information and guidance on any areas that they feel are barriers to their progression such as:

  • Money management skills
  • Fuel poverty activity
  • Confidence and skill building

And eventually be supported to access the employability pipeline and towards sustainable quality employment.

The Links to Work project will work in partnership with agencies ensuring that individuals can access the right support at the right time and at the right pace for them.

Due to the nature of the funding individuals will be identified as from a

  • Lone parent household or
  • Workless household or
  • Low income household

And must be resident within specific geographical areas of Dumfries and Stranraer and be required to evidence this to access the project.  (Further information on this can be provided by contacting the project)



Referral forms are available to agencies by contacting us below or via the DGTap website.

Staff will be keen to speak to agencies in relation to referrals and will be happy to meet jointly with individuals to build trust and relationships.


Key features

  • 1-1 support from a dedicated Community Link Worker who will link with other agencies for specialist interventions to reduce barriers to progression
  • Activities sourced to help develop confidence, knowledge, skills and experience on an individual basis.
  • Funding available to assist with childcare, travel, courses etc. 


All of which will be evidenced on action plan with ongoing support being provided until the individual is ready to progress to the next stage in their journey.


For more information on Links to Work Project:

Phone:  01387 279279
