News Archive December 2021

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*** UPDATED *** If you are aged 16-24 and not in education, employment or training – see the download below for useful and fully interactive information links to get you the support you need.

Dumfries & Galloway College have the following course on offer and are looking for anyone that who might like to do this free course, they are looking for a further 6 people to be enrolled. Please go to the link to find out how to enrol.

A practical short course aimed at anyone with...

The Dumfries and Galloway Local Employability Partnership is seeking project proposals from community groups, charities, social enterprises, public sector bodies and private employability providers who can provide employability support for people aged 25+ across the region.


The Skills Development Scotland December Wakelet has now be publiched. It is a useful hub of information and oppertunities, check it out the the link: ...