News Archive July 2020

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The Youth Work Service and the Youth Council have worked alongside a range of statutory and third sector organisations to develop a local survey to capture the views of young people across Dumfries and Galloway in relation to COVID-19.

The findings of the survey...

Lewis’ Story

Lewis self-referred to the Employability and Skills Service after health conditions had prevented him continuing along the education route. At the time he was undertaking a time limited work-experience placement at DWP and wasn’t...

Saphrone's Story: Developing Confidence

Saphrone was referred to the service in October 2018.  At that point Saphrone  had recently left school, she had been unable to complete her 5th year. Saphrone had been diagnosed with mental health issues.  She...

DYW Skills Academy

This programme, although primarily aimed at Summer 2020 school leavers, can be accessed by any young person and takes place over 5 weeks covering everything from Industry Insight Sessions to Employability Skills to Career Pathways. Sessions are led by...