News Archive June 2020

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All families in Scotland now have free access to the Solihull Approach Online, which includes modules such as ‘Understanding Your Child’ and ‘Understanding Your Teenager’s Brain’. 

They focus on helping parents develop nurturing and supportive relationships with their children, and to...

What a Journey! 

Stair Park Community Garden Centre referred Angus to the Employability and Skills Service in March 2018. They thought that he could benefit from gaining our Workplace Skills Award, an accredited qualification to demonstrate his transferrable...

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced that the Individual Training Account (ITA) scheme will reopen on 1 July 2020.

ITAs are designed to help individuals build the skills they need for a job, or to get training to help take their...

Dumfries and Galloway Council are providing additional support for young people during COVID-19 by setting up 14 Youth Work spaces across Dumfries and Galloway to provide support for young people aged 12 - 18 (S1-S6).

These will be delivered by the Council's Youth Work Service and...