News Archive May 2020

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Social Security Scotland: Best Start Grant School Age Payment re-opens 1st June​ 

If your child was born between 1st March 2015 and 29th Feb 2016 and you get benefits or tax credits you could be eligible for School Age Payment....

The Lets Get Employed Programme is a partnership working to support young people preparing to leave school.

Dumfries and Galloway Council provides targeted support to those young people who do not have a clear or sustainable pathway. The support offered is tailored to...

Dumfries and Galloway College Virtual Open Week

Dumfries and Galloway College is holding their first ever virtual open week and everyone is welcome. They have a full timetable planned for those interested starting next Monday 18th May. 

To take a look at the live Q&A’s and...

The Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund will re-open for new applications from mid-morning on Thursday 14 May. 

The Fund provides grants to SMEs which are potentially vital to Scotland’s future or to the economy of local areas but which have been made vulnerable by the covid19 crisis....

Applications are now open for the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme. 

From 8am this morning self-employed individuals or members of partnerships whose business has been adversely affected by coronavirus will be able to apply for a Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)...

Dumfries and Galloway Council's first live Business Support event is scheduled for Tuesday 12 May at 7pm. The topic for this event is “Support for businesses affected by COVID-19”

For these events we will have Staff from the Council, and Elected Members and our...

Free School Meals


Our Council is committed to supporting families throughout the year but in particular during COIVID-19. As part of this support we have delivered over...

From today onward victims of domestic abuse will be able to seek help in Boots pharmacies in a bid to make it easier for them to access support during the Covid 19 lockdown. Safe spaces will be installed in Boots consultation rooms from Friday 1st May 2020 where survivors can contact domestic...